Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

when you tell me you love me

i wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

In a world without you
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

You love me
When you tell me that you love me

the way you look at me

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up too
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes see everything without a single word

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

If I could freeze a moment in my mind
It'll be the second that you touch your lips to mine
I'd like to stop the clock, make time stands still
'Cause, baby, this is just the way I always wanna feel

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

I don't know how or why I feel different in your eyes
All I know is it happens every time

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

The way you look at me

pengorbanan cinta

pda swtu hri ad spsang kksih .
yg cwo brnma boy nd cwe brnma girl

boy adlah cwobuta.
wktu i2 boy btnya pda girl
"knpa km mncintai orng bta sperti ak ?"
girl mnjwab
"krna cnya bkan mta. tp0, htii."

boy trsenyum n brkata
" jka swatu hri ak bsa mlihat kmu, ak akn mnikah dnganmu!
cm kmu cwe yg bsa mnrima ak ap adny"

"ak jg brhrap bgitu"

- - - - -

swatu hri boy mlkukan cnggkok mta.
stelah boy bsa mlihat , ia mncari gilr tuq dnikahiny.

nmun stelah boy mnemui girl.
boy bngung trnyata girl jga buta.

boy brkata " ak g' sudi mnikahi orng buta sperti,u"

girl " knpa? bkkny kmu udh jnji tuq mnikah dng ak,
ak mnrima km ap adny, knpa kmu g'?"

boy brkta "wjar aj. orng kmu jga buta"

girl sdih kmudian girl bnuh dri.
sbllom ia mti. ia mninglkan surat:
"boy, ak sdih krna km g; bsa mmnuhi jnjimu .
tp, ak bhgia krna kmu bsa mlihat indhny dnia dgn mta AKU"

i2lah pngorbanan sjti dri girl.

jd, jngn sia"kan orng yg km syng cm krna
fsik, mteri, dll.
tp, lhatlah ktulusany. krnas ktulusany
stnfgah dri cnta nd syng.

"^_^" . . .

Motivational Quotes

I believe life is constanly testing us for our level of commitment,
and life’s greatest rewards are reserved for those who
demonstrate a never ending commitment to act until they achieve.
This level of resolve can move mountains,
but it must be constant & consistent.
As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common detonator
separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret
- Anthony Robbins –

Anda akan dikritik orang ketika melakukan sesuatu. Anda juga akan
dikritik ketika tidak melakukan sesuatu. Jadi, lakukan saja apa yang
menurut anda benar.
- Eleanor Roosevelt –

All successful people, men & women, are big dreamers. They imagine
what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and than they
work everyday toward their vision, purpose & goal.
- Brian Tracy -

Orang sukses akan melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda, yang tidak
dilakukan oleh orang rata-2 ….. untuk mendapatkan hasil yang
berbeda pula
- Sonny V. Sutedjo -

There are many people who have big plans but their big plans never
come true. The reason is, too many people have big plans but fail to
keep their small agreements
- Robert Kiyosaki -

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

What ever the mind of man can conceive & believe, it can achieve !
- Napoleon Hill -

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by
people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all
- Dale Carnegie -

I can not give you the formula for success, but I can give you the
formula for failure, which are try, try and try
- Herbert Bayard Swope -

You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people
actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough. You must take
action !
- Anthony Robbins -

Only those who can see the invisible, can accomplish the imposibble
- Patrick Snow -

Effective People are not problem-minded ;they’re opportunity
They feed opportunities and starve problems
- Stephen Covey -

Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it … That is the
quickest & surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear
- Dale Carnegie -

There are only two tragedies in life : one is not getting what you
wants, and the other is getting it
- Oscar Wilde -

If you don’t throw the dice, you will never land a six
- Old Chinese proverb -

Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with
love, grace, and gratitude.”
- Denis Waitley -

Success doesn’t come to you… you go to it
- Marva Collins -

It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes
the difference
- Paul “Bear” Bryant -

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to
do because they want to do it.”
- Dwight D. Eisenhower -

kebodahan cinta

Cinta itu bener-bener aneh,semakin kita kuat megang cinta,cinta itu bakal hancur alias mati.Tapi kalo cinta itu gak dipegang kuat-kuat cinta itu bakal lari.Itu yang dialamin sama temen baik ku,Meri.DIa naksir berat sama asisten lab yang namanya syahrul,tapi sayang cintanya harus berakhir sebelum dimulai.Tadinya gw mau melanjutkan hubungan mereka lebih serius lagi,tapi apa mau dikata.
Awal perasaan Meri sama syahru itu lucu,coz tadinya cuma jadi bahan candaan ajach kalo lagi dikampuz.Meri ngeliat Syahrul di Mushola waktu kita mau shalat dzuhur.ia awalnya emang cuma kagum biasa,tapi lama-lama dia naksir beneran.Syahrul itu punya ciri-ciri lumayan tinggi,hidung mancung,kulit sawo mateng pokoknya mateng dh,,,(manis ganteng).Setiap gw dan Meri ketemu dia,Meri langsung nunduk dan berusaha pura-pura gak liat dia.katanya sih Speechless klo ketemu si Syahrul.
Meri berusaha buat ngasih unjuk ke dia(Syahrul) tentang perasaannya.Dari cara senyum sampe pura-pura nanya pelajaran ke Syahrul,tapi semuanya gak ada yang berhasil.Dan akhirnya Meri ketemu sama jalan yang lebih mulus,lewat kak ajeng temennya Syahrul.Gw dan Ajeng udah bikin rencana sebaik mungkin tapi gak ada yang berhasil.dan akhirnya Meri mutusin buat mundur dari Syahrul gara-gara Ikha temen sekelas kita juga suka sama Syahrul.Pokoknya pusing dan nyebelin sama kisah cinta yang satu ini.Coz ikha udah ngalah buat Meri karna Si Meri ngomong ke Ikha kalo dia udah lama ngincer Syahrul,tapi pas Ikha udah ngelepasin Meri ragu buat maju lebih baik lagi,jadi Ikha ngampil langkah seribu kali lipat dari Meri.
Meri sangat kecewa sam dirinya sendiri,dia gak pernah bisa ngungkapin ke Syahrul tentang apa yang dia rasaain.Padahal kenyataannya Syahrul tau apa yang dia rasaain setiap ketemu Meri.tapi sayang Syahrul gak kenal Meri jadinya mereka bikin semuanya hanya perasaan ajah.
Semuanya berjalan begitu ajach sejak Meri nyoba buat ngelupain mimpiny(Syahrul).Tapi di satu sisi,dia nyoba buat ngedapetin Syahrul walau cuma senyumnya ajach.walaupun banyak yang naksir dia,termasuk asisten lab yang lainnya,temennya Syahrul,tapi Meri itu bukan cewek yang gampang jatuh cinta dan simpatik sama cowok.Dia cewek yang punya rasa simpatik sama cowok yang pinter dalam pelajaran dan pinter dalam berbincang sama Tuhan.
cinta itu jadi begitu aneh,bahkan jadi kaya hantu.coz hanya beberapa orang yang dapat melihat kesejatian cinta itu.bahkan banyak orang yang takut sama kesejatiaan cinta itu sendiri.Itu jadi sebuah kebodohan Cinta...